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Potato salad tips

Potatoes are among the most widely eaten vegetables in the world, and there are probably as many varieties as there are recipes. But if you’re looking for the best potatoes to use in a salad, the waxy or low-starch varieties are the better choices over the more starchy or russet (baking) potatoes.

Look for round whites with their creamy, buff skin (often labeled boiling or new potatoes) or the round reds with smooth, dark red skins.

New potatoes are not a special variety but any potatoes harvested before they reach maturity. Their moist and waxy flesh make them the perfect candidates for boiling and steaming as they keep their shape when cooked.

Potato salad is best prepared from scrubbed potatoes cooked in their jackets until just soft enough that they can be easily pierced with a knife.

Choose smooth, clean, firm, unblemished potatoes and store in a cool, dark, well-ventilated area. New potatoes’ low-starch content precludes long storage, so use quickly.