Food Facts, Food information, and Tips!

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Mushrooms: Nutrition

Though mushrooms are often grouped with vegetables and fruits, they are actually fungi--for that reason, they are in a class of their own, nutritionally speaking. Mushrooms do share some of the benefits of fruits and vegetables. They are low in calories, have no cholesterol and are virtually free of fat and sodium. And that’s not all. Mushrooms stand alone when it comes to some of the essential minerals and B-complex vitamins not easily found in produce. In addition, some contain substances that might prove to be useful in the treatment and prevention of serious diseases.

Low Carbohydrates, No Fat and Mo Cholosterol. Mushrooms are good sources of three hardworking B-complex vitamins--riboflavin, niacin and pantothenic acid. They are all found in every cell in our body, helping release energy from the fat, protein and carbohydrate in our food.