Temperature Conversions

The following tables can be used to convert temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius (Centigrade) or from Celsius to Fahrenheit.

Fahrenheit to Celsius

The formula to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius is

(F - 32) / 1.8 = C
20	-7
30	-1
40	4
50	10
60	16
70	21
80	27
90	32
100	38
110	43
120	49
130	54
140	60
150	66
160	71
170	77
180	82
190	88
200	93
210	99
220	104
230	110
240	116
250	121
260	127
270	132
280	138
290	143
300	149
310	154
320	160
330	166
340	171
350	177
360	182
370	188
380	193
390	199
400	204
410	210
420	216
430	221
440	227
450	232
460	238
470	243
480	249
490	254
500	260

Celsius to Fahrenheit

The formula to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit is

(C x 1.8) + 32 = F

0	32
10	50
20	68
30	86
40	104
50	122
60	140
70	158
80	176
90	194
100	212
110	230
120	248
130	266
140	284
150	302
160	320
170	338
180	356
190	374
200	392
210	410
220	428
230	446
240	464
250	482
260	500