Cheese balls are a delightful appetizer with most drinks. Mix the ingredients and make the balls with a pair of butter paddles which have been soaking in ice water for several hours before you use them After the balls are made and garnished, give them an hour or two to harden in the refrigerator. Serve only a few at a time, on a bed of lettuce leaves and refill the plates often, not only from popular demand, but to keep the balls cold and firm as long as possible. |=|
CHIVE BALLS: Cream all ingredients well and shape into balls.
OLIVE CHEESE BALLS: Cream well and form into balls the size of a marble. Roll in coarsely chopped walnuts.
CURRIED CHEESE BALLS: Cream all ingredients well and shape into balls. Roll each in freshly grated coconut.
SWISS CHEESE BALLS: Mix all ingredients till they form a solid mass that may be rolled into balls. You may find you have to add an additional amount of cream cheese or thick cream to bind this, depending on the consistency of the grated cheese. Form into balls and roll each in coarsely ground cooked ham.
MEXICAN CHEESE BALLS: Mix all ingredients well; form into balls and roll in pine nuts.
ROQUEFORT CHEESE BALLS: Mix Roquefort cheese and butter. Add dry mustard and blend well. Form into balls the size of a marble and roll them in a mixture of finely chopped fresh parsley and chives. Suggest a mixture of two parts chives to one part parsley. |