1. On waxed paper combine flour, sage and thyme. Coat chicken lightly
with flour mixture.
2. In 10 inch skillet over medium high heat cook chicken in margarine for
about 15 minutes
or until browned on both sides and no longer pink. Remove; set aside,
keep warm and spoon
off fat.
3. In the same skillet combine soup and water, heat to boiling, reduce
heat to low, cover and cook
5 minutes stirring occasionally.
4. to serve, arrange chicken over rice, spoon sauce over chicken and
garnigh with chopped
green onions and sliced mushrooms if desired.
Variation: Prepare as directed above except in step 3 add 2 cups sliced
fresh white mushrooms
to the soup, reduce water to 1/3 cup and add 1/4 cup white wine. |