Cuban Sandwiches

Course : Sandwiches
Serves: 4


1 Cup mustard
2 loaf loaves Cuban bread -- halved
1/2 Pound baked ham -- sliced
1/2 Pound roast pork loin -- sliced
8 slices dill pickle slices
8 slices Swiss cheese slices
1 Cup mojo criollo (from a Spanish supermarket)


Spread 1/4 cup mustard on bottoms of each bread half. Top with one fourth of each meat, 2 pickle slices, and 2 cheese slices. Sprinkle inside of tops of bread halves with mojo criollo and place on sandwiches. Preheat a sandwich press or griddle. Cook the sandwiches, pressing down to flatten, until crispy and hot.


Nutritional Information:

261 Calories (kcal); 18g Total Fat; (61% calories from fat); 19g Protein; 6g Carbohydrate; 52mg Cholesterol; 1078mg Sodium