Red, White, And Blue/Black Casserole
Course : Casseroles
Serves: 1


1 large eggplant
3 large tomatoes -- sliced 1/2-in thick
1 1/2 pounds mozzarella cheese -- sliced 1/4-in thick
1 large onion -- sliced thin


Red, White, and Blue/Black Casserole (Eggplant casserole with tomato and cheese) Cut the eggplant lengthwise once, then slice crosswise into semidisks about 3/4 inch thick. In a shallow casserole dish (2 in deep), stand some slices of eggplant on the narrow cut edge, to make a row, then fol- low this with slices of tomato, then slices of mozzarella cheese. Repeat until the whole dish is full. It should appear from the top to have bands of red, white, and black. Use your favorite seasoning (basil/oregano is the default), and bake until bubbly (about 25-30 minutes at 350 deg. F.