Artichokes, Jerusalem
Course : Artichokes
Serves: 4


4 Medium Jerusalem artichokes


When shopping, look for smooth, firm tubers with the fewest knobs. To Prepare: Scrub artichokes; pare thinly if desired. Leave whole or cut into 1/4-inch slices or 1/2-inch cubes. Place in water with small amount of lemon juice to prevent discoloration.To Boil: Heat 1 inch water (salted, if desired) to boiling. Add artichokes. Cover and heat to boiling; reduce heat. Boil whole artichokes 20 to 25 minutes; slices and cubes 7 to 9 minutes or until crisp-tender; drain.To Steam: Place steamer basket in 1/2 inch water (water should not touch bottom of basket). Place artichokes in basket. Cover tightly and heat to boiling; reduce heat. Steam 15 to 20 minutes or until crisp-tender. To Microwave: Place artichoke slices and 1/4 cup water in 1-1/2-quart microwavable casserole. Cover tightly and microwave on high 6 to 7 minutes, stirring after 5 minutes, until crisp-tender. Let stand covered 5 minutes; drain.