Cut pheasant into pieces. Roll in flour seasoned with salt, pepper, paprika and garlic salt. Let sit for a few minutes. Brown pieces in a skillet with about 1/2 inch peanut oil or other fat for about 15 minutes. Remove pheasant and put into a large oven top casserole. In a separate pan, saute onion and mushrooms in a little oil until wilted. Add to casserole and pour up to 1/2 cup heavy cream over the pheasant pieces. Cook, covered, over medium low heat on top of the stove for about 30 minutes, removing the cover after 15 min- utes. Turn pieces once or twice during cooking and check to see when fork tender. Remove pheasant, onions and mushrooms to a warm platter. Scrape up the casserole drippings from the bottom and make a gravy. |