Caution: If you have kids, friends, or let the people at the office know you've made jerky, I won't need to tell you how to store it. But if you hide it for more than 2 months, hide it in the refrigerator. First, take a good hunting partner with you. Someone that is a true hunter. Like someone that was named after the Goddess of the Hunt. After she takes you to the biggest buck in the woods, shoot, clean, take home, slice into 1/4-inch thick pieces cross-grain (go ahead and slice it with the grain if you are not fond of your teeth), and freeze it at least 60 days (to take precaution against disease what do you think?). Now, unthaw the meat (aren't you glad you cut it before you froze it?). Mix the sauce, coat all surfaces of the meat and refrigerate 6 to 12 hours. The next day (or night depending on your shift) put meat on racks in your dehydrator, cook at 140 degrees for 9 hours. What, no dehydrator? Then use your oven, but don't blame me if it b |