Mexican Corn Stew
Course : Stews
Serves: 4


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
  15            ounces  kidney beans canned
     1/4           cup  barley -- dry
  1         tablespoon  olive oil
  2               cups  onion chopped
  3        tablespoons  garlic clove minced
  1              pound  carrots package
  3                     celery -- 1 stalk
  7               cups  vegetable broth canned
  2                     pepper red
  3 1/2           cups  corn -- frozen
  2          teaspoons  cumin seed -- ground
  2          teaspoons  coriander -- ground
     1/2      teaspoon  cayenne pepper
  5             ounces  tortilla chips
  3        tablespoons  parsley dried
  1                     fresh jalapenos
  16            ounces  tomato canned


Seed and dice the jalapeno peppers. Dice the tomatoes. Thinly slice carrots and celery stalks. Seed and dice red peppers. Crush 2 cups of corn chips(optional). In large fry pan over medium high heat saute the onions and garlic for 5 minutes. Add jalapenos, carrots, celery, bell peppers and all spices. Stir frequently to blend the flavors. Continue cooking for 3 more minutes stirring frequently. Add rest of the ingredients (except chips), lower to low heat, cover and cook for about 2 hours. Put in warmed bowls, top with crushed chips and salsa if desired.


Nutritional Information:

374 Calories (kcal); 15g Total Fat; (33% calories from fat); 9g Protein; 58g Carbohydrate; 0mg Cholesterol; 237mg Sodium