1. Combine sugar, butter, corn
syrup, water and salt in a large saucepan over medium heat.
You're going to bring the candy to 265-275 degrees, or what is
known as the hard ball stage. For this it's best to use a candy
thermometer. If you don't have one, don't worry. Drip the candy
into a small glass of cold water. If the candy forms a very hard,
yet slightly pliable ball, bingo, you're there. Watch your
mixture closely so that it doesn't boil over.
2. While candy cooks, pop both bags of popcorn and spread about 2
quarts or 1 1/3 bags of popcorn (plus almonds for Fiddle Faddle)
on one large or two small cookie sheets. Put the popcorn in your
oven set on its lowest temperature. This will keep the popcorn
hot so that the candy will coat better. 3.When your candy has reached the hard ball stage, add the vanilla. 4.Pull the popcorn from the oven and, working quickly, pour the candy over the popcorn in thin streams. Mix the popcorn so that each kernel is coated with candy, put the popcorn back into the
oven for five more minutes, then stir once again. This will help
to coat each kernel. You can repeat this step once more if
necessary to get all of the popcorn coated. Pour popcorn onto a
large sheet of wax paper to cool. Spread the popcorn out, but be
careful…it's hot. 5.When popcorn is cool, break it up and immediately put it into
a tightly sealed container, such as Tupperware. This will ensure
that it stays fresh. This stuff gets stale very quickly in moist
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