Artichoke Salad 3
Course : Salads
Serves: 8


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
  2         14 oz cans  artichoke hearts -- drained and halved
  2               cups  thinly sliced mushrooms
  1 1/2           cups  snow peas -- trimmed
  8              large  lettuce leaves
                        sliced blanched almonds -- (optional)
     1/4           cup  red wine vinegar
     1/4           cup  vegetable oil
  2          teaspoons  dijon mustard
  1           teaspoon  minced garlic
  1           teaspoon  dried dill weed
                        salt and freshly ground black pepper -- to taste
  1                cup  heavy cream


In medium non-metal bowl, combine artichoke hearts, mushrooms and snow peas. In separate bowl, combine all dressing ingredients except cream; mix well. Slowly add cream, whisking until well combined. Pour dressing over vegetables and toss well. Serve on lettuce leaves. Sprinkle with almonds if desired


Nutritional Information:

221 Calories (kcal); 18g Total Fat; (69% calories from fat); 5g Protein; 14g Carbohydrate; 41mg Cholesterol; 123mg Sodium