Curried Chicken and Mango Salad
Course : Salads
Serves: 4


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
   2       quart        Water
   4                    (4 Ounces) Boneless, Skinned Chicken Breasts
     3/4   cup          Plain Yogurt
   1       Tablespoon   Lime Juice
   1       Tablespoon   Honey
   1       Teaspoon     Curry Powder
     1/8   Teaspoon     Salt
     1/2   Teaspoon     Pepper
   1       cup          Peeled Cubed Mango, Papaya OR Pineapple
   4                    Lettuce Leaves


Bring Water To A Boil in A Medium Saucepan. Add Chicken. Reduce Heat and Simmer 15 Min. OR Until Chicken Is Tender. Remove Chicken and Let Cool. Cut Into 1/2 in. Pieces and Set Aside. Combine Yogurt, Lime Juice, Honey, Curry Powder, Salt and Pepper in A Medium Bowl. Mix Well. Add Mango and Reserved Chicken. Toss Well. Spoon Salad Onto Lettuce Lined Individual Serving Plates. (Fat 3.9. Chol. 75.) (Good Also With Chopped Celery Added.)