Dilled Shrimp Rice Salad
Course : Salads
From: HungryMonster.com
Serves: 8


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
  1              pound  tiger prawn
  1         tablespoon  fresh lime juice
  2        tablespoons  fresh lemon juice
  2        tablespoons  olive oil
  2        tablespoons  fresh dill weed
  1           teaspoon  garlic puree
     1/4      teaspoon  jane's salt
     1/8      teaspoon  cayenne
  3               cups  cooked rice
  8                     lettuce leaves
  4                     hard boiled egg
                        fresh dill weed


1. Steam or boil shrimp, just until cooked. Halve shrimp lengthwise and place into a bowl. 2. Combine lime juice, lemon juice, olive oil, dill, garlic, salt, and cayenne in a bowl. 3.Mix well and pour over shrimp. Toss in the shrimp and mix well. Cover and chill for 2-48 hours. 4.Add rice to mixture and mix well. 5.Arrange lettuce leaves onto chilled individual salad plates and spoon rice mixture on top of the lettuce leaves. Garnish each serving with an egg wedges and dill sprig. Serve at once.


Nutritional Information:

122 Calories (kcal); 4g Total Fat; (26% calories from fat); 2g Protein; 20g Carbohydrate; 0mg Cholesterol; 2mg Sodium