Endive Salad with Golden Apples, Spiced Walnuts and Chevre
Course : Salads
From: HungryMonster.com
Serves: 4


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
  6              heads  endive
  2                     golden delicious apples
     3/4           cup  walnuts
  6             ounces  goat cheese -- (chevre)
  1           teaspoon  olive oil
  1         tablespoon  sugar
  1         tablespoon  kosher salt
  1           teaspoon  dry basil
  1           teaspoon  dry oregano
  1           teaspoon  dry thyme
  1           teaspoon  chile powder
                        ***CHAMPAGNE VINAIGRETTE***
  1                cup  extra virgin olive oil
     1/3           cup  champagne vinegar
  1         tablespoon  chopped fresh chives
  1           teaspoon  dijon mustard
                        salt and pepper to taste


Combine dry spices, salt, sugar, and chile powder. Toss walnuts in teaspoon olive oil and then into spice mixture. Roast in oven at 325 degrees until golden. Chop endive crosswise into 1/2 inch pieces. Dice apples and combine with endive, walnuts (when cooled), crumbled goat cheese, and champagne vinaigrette. Divide evenly onto four plates. Serves: 4


Nutritional Information:

996 Calories (kcal); 85g Total Fat; (73% calories from fat); 29g Protein; 40g Carbohydrate; 45mg Cholesterol; 1745mg Sodium