Orzo Salad
Course : Salads
From: HungryMonster.com
Serves: 4 - 6


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
   1 1/2  cups          orzo
   1      medium        yellow squash -- quartered
                        lengthwise and thinly sliced
   1                    celery rib -- thinly sliced
   1                    red bell pepper -- seeded and finely
     1/3  cup           minced fresh parsley
     1/3  cup           olive oil
   2      tablespoons   red wine vinegar
   3                    garlic cloves -- minced
   1      teaspoon      dried oregano
                        salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
   2      tablespoons   mayonnaise


Bring pot of water to boil. Add orzo. Cook until tender (about 5 minutes). While cooking, in a large bowl, combine the yellow squash, celery, bell pepper and parsley. Set aside. In a small bowl, beat together the olive oil, vinegar, garlic, oregano, salt and pepper. Add to squash mixture. Stir. When orzo is finished cooking, rinse in cold water and drain. Add orzo to the large bowl of vegetable mixture. Spoon on the mayonnaise and gently toss to coat evenly. Chill until ready to serve. Approximately 8 minutes.