Sweet And Sour Cauliflower And Cabbage Salad
Course : Salads
From: HungryMonster.com
Serves: 6


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
   1 1/2  pounds        cauliflower
  12      ounces        primo cabbage
   8      ounces        water chestnuts
   8      ounces        pineapple slices
   1      teaspoon      cornstarch
   1      teaspoon      brown sugar
   2      tablespoons   malt vinegar
   1      tablespoon    soy sauce
   1      tablespoon    water
   1      tablespoon    tomato paste
   2      teaspoons     sherry


Trim the outer leaves and stalk from the cauliflower. Divide into small florets, shred the leaves, wash and drain. Discard any discoloured cabbage leaves, cut cabbage into 1/4" slices, wash and drain. Drain the chestnuts and slice thinly. Drain the pineapple (if canned) and reserve the juice. Cut rings into eighths. Cook the cauliflower and cabbage in boiling, salted water for 4 minutes. Drain well. Blend cornstarch and sugar with the remaining ingredients. Place in a pan with the water chestnuts, pineapple chunks and juice. Bring to a boil and simmer for 3 minutes. Pour sauce over the cauliflower and cabbage. Stir well, cover and allow to cool.