Homestyle Scalloped Potatoes And Mushrooms
Course : Potatoes
Serves: 4


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
   1 1/3  pounds        potatoes -- - cut into 1/8-inch
                        -- (4 medium)
   2      teaspoons     vegetable oil
   1      pound         mushrooms -- - cut into 1/4-inch
   1      tablespoon    flour
     1/4  teaspoon      salt
     1/4  teaspoon      pepper
     1/2  cup           grated parmesan cheese
   3      tablespoons   butter or margarine
     3/4  cup           lowfat milk
   1      tablespoon    chopped parsley


Heat oven to 400 degrees. In 2-quart saucepan over medium heat cook potatoes, covered, in 2 inches boiling water until almost tender, 6 to 8 minutes; drain. In large nonstick skillet over medium heat, heat oil. Add mushrooms; saute over high heat until tender and liquid has evaporated; set aside. In small bowl combine flour, salt and pepper. Coat shallow 1 1/2-quart baking dish with vegetable cooking spray and cover bottom with a layer of potatoes; sprinkle with a little of the flour mixture. Add a layer of mushrooms. Sprinkle with some of the cheese; dot with butter. Repeat layers until all ingredients are used, ending with butter; pour milk over. Bake 30 minutes until potatoes are tender and top is browned. Sprinkle with parsley.


Nutritional Information:

320 calories; 16 g fat; 40 mg cholesterol; 490 mg sodium; 35 g carbohydrate; 4 g fiber; 13 g protein.