Chiles en Nogada (poblanos in walnut sauce)
Course : Meat
Serves: 8


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
  10                    Chiles poblanos -- peeled & deveined *
                        ----- Stuffing -----
   1      pound         Pork grounded
   1      pound         Beef grounded
   1      medium        Onion
   1      cup           Red tomatoe pure
   2                    Garlic cloves
                        Salt and pepper
     1/2  cup           Acitron chopped**
     1/2  cup           Raisins
     1/2  cup           Almonds chopped
     1/2  cup           Pine nuts
   1      cup           Fresh fruits: apple, pear, apricots -- in little cubes
                        ----- Sauce -----
   2      cups          Walnuts peeled, whites -- without paper peel
   1 1/2  cups          Cream (the best cream)
     1/4  piece         cream cheese, just for to add flavor -- and consistency
     1/2  To 3/4        cup of milk
                        Cinamon powder
                        ----- Adorn -----
                        Red pomegranate
                        Parsley leaves


*The size have to be large, if you cannot get large chiles you can use littles, but need to buy more, is difficult to make the exactly amount of chiles and stuffing. **acitron: a citron dried and made into sweetmeat; candied lemon. This is what my dictionary says, if you cannot get it do not worried, make the recipe with the other ingredients. ***The walnuts need to be peeled before, you can let them in some water on the refrigerator. Prepare the stuffing: In a sauce pan put vegetable oil, in the blender make a pure with onion and garlic, add to the vegetable oil when it is hot, let the onion fry until be brown (not black). Add the meats, let cook until the meats loose all the water and looks a little brown, add the red tomatoe puree, add salt and pepper and let it boil, add the fruits chopped and let cook until will be dry. Let cool. Sauce: Mix all in the blender until be soft and have a sauce consistency, try and season with salt and cinamon, this sauce will be cold over the stuffing chiles. Serve: Fill all the chiles with the meat, there are two ways for to serve: 1.- Mix 4 eggs whites until be hard, add the yolks and mix, cover the chiles with this mix and put them to fry in some vegetable oil. let cool and cover with the white sauce, adorn with the pomegranate and some little parsley leaves. 2.-Without using the eggs and oil, I prefer in this way, just after fill them put over the white sauce and adorn with the pomegranate and some little parsley leaves.