Crockpot Apricot Chicken
Course : Chicken
Serves: 4


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
                        Chicken thighs -- *skinned* (6-7 pcs)
   1      pound         Mushrooms -- cleaned, halved vertically
   1      large         Spanish onion -- cut into large chunks
   2      large         Carrots -- sliced
   1                    Celery rib (with leaves) -- sliced
  12                    Apricots -- dried 
   1      package       Onion Soup
                        Apricot nectar (to cover)


Place chicken pieces on bottom of crockpot -- sprinkle with the dried soup -- cover chicken with the nectar. Place veggies on top. (If you cover the veggies with the nectar -- there will be too much liquid.)

Cook for 6-7 hours on low -- bone the chicken (and remove gristle/connective tissue). If you -- you can refrigerate it de-fat the stuff.


Use 1 envelope of soup mix -- French onion was in original recipe -- but I just use regular Lipton onion soup mix (like for dip). Be sure you SKIN the chicken -- or it's way too fatt