Baked Stuffed Zucchini 1
Course : Zucchini
Serves: 7


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
   8      small         zucchini
   2      medium        onions
   1      clove         garlic
  12      sprigs        parsley
   3      tablespoons   olive oil
   1      cup           swiss chard or spinach -- cooked and drained
   1      teaspoon      oregano
   1 1/2  teaspoons     salt
     1/8  teaspoon      pepper
     1/2  cup           grated parmesan cheese
   3                    eggs -- beaten
     2/3  cup           dry bread crumbs


Cook zucchini in boiling water 5 minutes. Drain and cool. Cut in half lengthwise; scoop out center pulp, leaving 1/4 inch shell all around. Chop onions, garlic and parsley in blender or food chopper. Saute in olive oil. Put zucchini pulp and chard through food chopper or in blender; drain off excess liquid. Add to onion mixture and saucte a few minutes. add seasonings and cheese; mix well. Add eggs and blend; then add crumbs. Sprinkle zucchini shells lightly with salt. Fill with pulp mixture. Sprinkle lightly with more bread crumbs. TO FREEZE: place on a tray. When frozen, package in moisture proof containers, seal, label, date. store 6-8 weeks. TO SERVE: take from freezer and place in covered baking pan. Bake in 350 oven 45 minutes. Uncover and bake 10 minutes longer.