Curried Shrimp And Macaroni Salad
Course : Shrimp
Serves: 4


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
     1/4  cup           mayonnaise
   2      teaspoons     curry powder -- (or to taste)
   1      pound         shrimp -- (small), cleaned,
                        -- deveined and cooked
   2      cups          honeydew balls
     1/2  cup           water chestnuts -- slivered, drained
   1 1/3  cups          conchiglie piccole pasta -- cooked (small
                        -- sea-shells)
                        -- measure pasta before -- cooking)


Mix the curry powder into the mayonnaise. Put the remaining ingredients in a large bowl. Dress with the curried mayonnaise. Chill 1-2 hours. NOTES: A cold pasta dish -- This salad is quick and easy. It's best if made several hours before serving, to get the full curry flavor. It's been a real hit at potlucks. Yield: serves 4 to 6. A honeydew ball is a ball of honeydew melon that is scooped out of the flesh of the melon with a "balling spoon" or "melon baller." About 1 1/3 cups of conchiglie will make about three cups of cooked macaron