Green Shrimp Soup
Course : Shrimp
Serves: 4


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
   1      medium        onion
   1      large         carrot -- (about 5 oz)
   1 1/2  teaspoons     butter
   3      cups          meat broth -- hot
   1      tablespoon    savory -- (fresh, chopped
                        -- fine)
   1      teaspoon      tarragon -- (fresh, chopped
                        -- fine)
   1      pound         peas -- (cooked in, lightly
                        -- salted water
   5      ounces        shrimp -- (deveined, cooked
                        -- and cut into
   1      pieces        )
     1/2  cup           white wine -- dry
   2      tablespoons   cream
   1      cup           champagne -- (demi sec)


Chop the onion and carrot finely. Heat the butter in a pan and fry the vegetables for 5 minutes stirring continuously. Add the hot meat broth. Boil for 10 minutes. Add savory, tarragon and peas. Bring to a boil and let cook for 8 minutes. Strain the soup and put it back into the pan. Add shrimp. Simmer 5 minutes on medium heat. (Be sure the soup is not boiling.) Add white wine and cream. Take from the heat. Season if necessary. Add champagne and serve immediately. NOTES: * Fine pea soup with shrimp and champagne -- This is a recipe out of a German low-calorie cookbook. It is a simple recipe for a really delicate soup. It can be served as a festive appetizer or as a gourmet snack. * The fresh spices can be substituted by dried spices. * If you use canned shrimp, never let them boil. They would become tough and lose their delicate taste.