Seafood Gumbo From Tony Burke
Course : Gumbo
Serves: 24


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
   4      quarts        seafood stock* -- =vegetables=-
     1/2  cup           oil
   6      cups          okra -- sliced
   3 1/2  pounds        tomatoes -- canned
   2      cups          onion -- chopped
   1      cup           celery -- chopped, with
                        -- leaves
   1      cup           peppers -- bell, chopped
   2      tablespoons   garlic -- chopped
   2      tablespoons   vinegar -- =seasonings=-
   1      tablespoon    salt
   1      teaspoon      cayenne pepper
   1      teaspoon      pepper -- white
   1      teaspoon      pepper -- black
   5                    bay leaf -- Turkish
   2      teaspoons     thyme -- leaves, dried
   2      teaspoons     basil -- dried
   2      teaspoons     oregano -- dried, leaves
   3      cups          roux -- dark, (from 1 1/2
                        -- c. o
   1      pound         crab -- claw meat
   3      pounds        shrimp -- small to medium
   1                    oysters
   1      cup           onions -- green, chopped
   1                    file` powder


* make seafood stock from heads and bones of fish, shell of shrimp Bring stock to a boil, lower heat and simmer several hours. Strain the stock, discarding solids. (If time is a factor, simmer shrimp heads and shells and ham hocks in chicken stock for at least an hour.) Cook okra in the oil in a large, heavy pot over medium heat, stirring and scraping until some of the sliminess is gone; about 15 minutes. Add tomatoes, onions, celery, garlic, peppers, vinegar, the seasoning and herb mix and cook over low to medium heat for about 1/2 hour, stirring and scraping often. Blend the roux into the okra and tomato mixture. Very slowly blend the stock into the mixture. Simmer about 1 hour. Add crab and shrimp and simmer 10 to 15 minutes. Add oysters and simmer about 5 minutes. Add green onions. Serve over rice with file` powder added to taste at the table. (File powder should not be cooked.) Source: Overton Anderson