Bigoli In Salsa
Course : Italian
Serves: 4


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
   1      recipe        bigoli - basic recipe -- see * note
   6      tablespoons   extra-virgin olive oil
   8                    salted anchovies -- fillets removed,
                        and soaked in milk for 2 hours
   1      medium        spanish onion -- chopped 1/16" dice
     1/2  cup           finely-chopped Italian parsley


* Note: See the "Bigoli - Basic Recipe" recipe which is included in this collection. Bring 6 quarts water to boil and add 2 tablespoons salt. Place noodles in boiling water, and allow 8 to 9 minutes to cook. In a 12- to 14-inch sauté pan, place oil, anchovies and onion over medium heat and cook. Stir often to break up anchovies until a paste is formed, about 8 to 10 minutes. Drain pasta and toss into pan. Add parsley, toss through and place on a plate. Serve immediately. Source: MOLTO MARIO with Mario Batali From the TV FOOD NETWORK - (Show # MB-1D16)