Lagos/Kounelli Stifado
Course : Greek
Serves: 6


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
   1                    rabbit or hare cut into serving pieces -- and marinated 1 or
                        -- 2 days (see note)
     1/4  cup           butter
   2      pounds        small white onions equal weight of
                        -- rabbit/hare
   1      cup           canned tomato sauce
   3                    whole         cloves
   2                    garlic cloves
   1      tablespoon    raisins -- (optional)
   1                    bay leaf
   1      teaspoon      granulated sugar
     1/2  cup           dry white wine
   2      tablespoons   wine vinegar
                        fresh rosemary


Remove the rabbit or hare from the marinade and wipe dry. In a large casserole, heat the butter or oil and sear the rabbit or hare over high heat until reddened in color, without browning the fat. Meanwhile, peel the onions and cut a cross in the root end with a sharp pointed knife to keep them from falling apart during cooking. Arrange around the rabbit or hare, then stir in the remaining ingredients, add enough water to cover, place an inverted plate over the meat and bring to a boil. Transfer to a very slow oven (225F) and bake for 2 to 2-1/2 hours, until the rabbit or hare and onions are tender. Remove from the oven and carefully pour off the sauce into a small saucepan. Boil down to 1-1/2 cups. Remove plate from casserole, pour the sauce over, and garnish with additional rosemary. Serve warm. NOTE: The flavor improves the second day. Source: The Food of Greece - by Vilma Liacouras Chantiles Avenel Books, New York ISBN: 0-517-27888-X