Danny Gaulden's Macaroni Salad
Course : Salads
From: HungryMonster.com
Serves: 1


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
   1      8 ounces pkg  macaroni
   3                    hard boiled eggs -- diced
   1      cup           celery -- diced
   3      tablespoons   Dill relish
   1      tablespoon    lemon juice
     1/2  cup           grated cheese
   1                    green pepper -- diced
   1                    pimento -- diced
     2/3  cup           mayonnaise*
                        Salt and Pepper to taste


* --I like Miracle Whip Cook desired shaped macaroni as directed. Wash, drain and chill thoroughly. Combine remaining with macaroni and let chill thoroughly before serving. Don't be afraid to add a dash of chopped green onion into this recipe, if you feel the need. I like it