Teriyaki London Broil
Course : Seasonings
From: HungryMonster.com
Serves: 24


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
  2               cups  soy sauce
  10            pounds  london broil
     3/4           cup  peanut oil
     1/2           cup  dry white wine
  1                cup  scallions
  2        tablespoons  sugar
  2          teaspoons  ginger
  1         tablespoon  garlic


trim fat and tendons from beef combine remaining ingredients-mix well cover and chill for 2-48 hours remove from marinade and grill or broil to desired doneness (if using flank steak, it should be cooked rare to remain tender) remove from grill or broiler and allow to rest for 5 minutes meanwhile heat marinade in a saucepan, over a moderate flame bring to a boil and remove from heat cut steak on the bias into paper-thin slices arrange each 5 ounce portion onto a serving plate moisten with 2 ounces strained marinade serve hot


Nutritional Information:

631 Calories (kcal); 52g Total Fat; (74% calories from fat); 35g Protein; 4g Carbohydrate; 132mg Cholesterol; 1490mg Sodium