Kahlua Homemade

Course : Beverages
Serves: 4 cups
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2 cups water

2 cups sugar

1/2 cup instant coffee -- fresh jar

1/2 piece vanilla bean -- chopped

1 1/2 cups vodka


1 dash cinnamon -- ground

1 dash cloves ground

1 dash cardamom -- ground

1 dash orange peel -- grated

1 dash mint -- dried flakes

Preparation / Directions:

Boil water and sugar together until dissolved and clear. Turn off heat. Slowly add instant coffee and continue stirring. When well mixed let cool to room temperature. While the coffee mixture cools, add vanilla bean to the vodka. When the coffee mixture is cooled add to the vodka mixture. Cover tightly and shake vigorously each day for 3 weeks. Strain and filter. Dona and Mel have this to say about Kahlua: The Mexican "Kahlua" and Jamaican "Tia Maria" are probably the best known coffee flavored liqueurs. Other companies produce similar drinks called Moka, Mocha, Creme de Mocha, and so forth. Coffee is among the easiest flavors to simulate. We recieved many recipes from our friends that varied only slightly from one another. It seemed that everyone had made a version of "Kahlua" at one time and treasured his own recipe.


Nutritional Information:

2322 Calories (kcal); trace Total Fat; (0% calories from fat); trace Protein; 400g Carbohydrate; 0mg Cholesterol; 25mg Sodium

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