Lemon Liqueur

Course : Beverages
Serves: 8
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2 large lemons

1 cup water; as needed

2 cups sugar

2 cups vodka

Preparation / Directions:

Rinse lemons and pat dry. Thinly peel zest strips from lemons. Do not include white pith. Place zest into medium saucepan. Cut lemons in half and squeeze juice into a measuring cup. Remove seeds. Add water to measure 1 cup. Pour lemon juice mixture into saucepan with zest. Add sugar and stir. When boiling point is reached, reduce heat and simmer 10 minutes. Remove from heat and cool. Pour lemon mixture into a glass aging container. Add vodka and stir. Cap and age for four weeks in a cool, dark place. After initial aging, pour through metal strainer into bowl to remove zest. Pour liqueur back into cleaned aging container for an additional month of aging. When aging is completed, strain liqueur through cheesecloth placed over large bowl. Repeat as need. Any cloudy portion that may form on the top may be poured off and reserved for cooking. Bottle and cap as desired. Liqueur is useable for cooking, but will taste even better for drinking after an additional three months.


Nutritional Information:

325 Calories (kcal); trace Total Fat; (0% calories from fat); trace Protein; 52g Carbohydrate; 0mg Cholesterol; 1mg Sodium

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