Old Fashioned Aussie Pub Squash (Lemonade Concentrate)

Course : Beverages
Serves: 1
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8 large lemons -- or 9 regular

2 cups cold water

1 cup sugar

4 teaspoons citric acid

Preparation / Directions:

Juice the lemons. Add water and stir. Measure the amount you now have and add 1 cup of sugar for EVERY cup of juice mixture. Stir until all sugar has dissolved. Add citric acid. Store, covered, in fridge. (If you plan on storing for a long time, then pour into sterilised bottles. It never lasts that long around our house, though.) To make a glass, we use 5 tbsp. of concentrate to 16 oz. of cold water. Adjust to your tastes. Add ice cubes and serve. Orange Squash can be made the same way, using 6 large oranges instead of lemons.

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