Orange Liqueur

Course : Beverages
Serves: 1
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8 large oranges

2 cups warm water

4 large lemons

2 pounds sugar

1 liters vodka Strong (100 proof)

Preparation / Directions:

Use a 2 qt. bottle. Remove only the outer rind of oranges and lemons leaving and discarding a much of the white enteral part as possible. This is bitter. Cut in thin strips about 2" long. Put the strips into the bottle with the vodka. Mix the warm water with the sugar and pour into the bottle. Cork well and hake the bottle vigorously, blending in all, so the rinds are exposed to the liquid. Allow to stand for 6 days, repeating thorough shaking 3 times a day. Then filter into a new clear bottle. Store for a few weeks for a lovely aroma.

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