The Punchbowl

Course : Beverages
Serves: 16
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6 ounces pineapple juice, frozen concentrate -- thawed

6 ounces orange juice, frozen concentrate -- thawed

6 ounces cranberry juice

2 cups strawberries, frozen

1 medium banana

6 ounces lemonade, frozen concentrate

2 1/2 cups cold water

30 ounces club soda -- 1 bottle

30 ounces ginger ale -- 1 bottle

2 bottles 7-Up

Preparation / Directions:

* All frozen concentrates are to be thawed partially. ** Use as much 7-UP or equal amounts of other soft drinks to make the punch to your taste. 1. Using a blender, blend the juices a little at a time, pouring into large punchbowl or other large container. Blend the banana and strawberries only until coarse blended, not pureed. Mix the ice water in the punch bowl with other ingredients and stir to blend. 2. Just before serving, add the club soda, ginger ale and enough 7-Up to suit your taste. Stir gently to mix all juices from the sediment on bottom of bowl. Serve this as is or over ice.

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