Preparation / Directions:
ABOUT 30 MINUTES BEFORE SERVING OR EARLY IN DAY: Separate leaves from heads of Belgiam endive (you should be able to get 6 pretty leaves from each endive). Reserve small leaves and centers for salad another day. Rinse leaves under running cold water; pat dry with paper towels. In small bowl, with mixer at medium speed, beat cream cheese until smooth. Gradually beat in milk until blended. With spoon, stir in chopped dried tomatoes. Spoon cream-cheese filling into decorating bag with large rosette tube. Place a basil leaf or small watercress sprig on each endive leaf. Pipe some filling onto basil on wide end of each endive leaf. Arrange endive leaves on platter; garnish platter with flower. Cover and refrigerate until ready to serve. MAKES 3 DOZEN HORS D'OEUVR