Chopped Liver Pate

Course : Chicken
Serves: 2 cups
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1 pound chicken livers

1 large onion

2 tablespoons schmaltz

2 large hard cooked eggs

2 tablespoons mayonnaise

1 teaspoon salt and pepper

Preparation / Directions:

Soak the livers in cold salt water for 2 hours. Rinse in cold water and drain on paper towels. Broil the livers. Grate the onion. Saute the onion in schmaltz; add the broiled livers and saute to blend the flavors. Put the livers, onions and eggs twice through a grinder and then blend in the mayonnaise, salt and pepper.


Nutritional Information:

806 Calories (kcal); 41g Total Fat; (46% calories from fat); 83g Protein; 25g Carbohydrate; 2003mg Cholesterol; 518mg Sodium

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