Coconut Curried Wings

Course : Curry
Serves: 1
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2 dozen chicken wings

1/2 teaspoon coconut extract*

4 teaspoons curry powder

6 tablespoons melted butter

1 cup milk*

2 cups instant mashed potatoes

3 tablespoons sweetened -- flaked coconut

2 cloves garlic - minced

Preparation / Directions:

* Or use one can of coconut milk. Cut tips off wings. In a large bowl, combine milk, extract and wings. Stir to mix well. Marinate at least 2 hours (or overnight). In another bowl, combine potatoes, curry and coconut. Take wings out of marinade and roll in potato mixture. Place slightly apart on well greased cookie sheets. Combine butter and garlic. Drizzle over wings. Bake, uncovered, at 375F until browned - 45 minutes.

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