Tunafish Mousse

Course : Dips
Serves: 8
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2 cans tuna in oil

9 tablespoons leaves gelatin -- or 9 tablespoons

1 cup mayonnaise

1 medium onion

1 teaspoon mustard

1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce

1/2 cup heavy cream

2 tablespoons capers

2 cups gherkins -- chopped

1 teaspoon pepper -- ground

2 tablespoons oil

1/2 cup water

1 cup fish stock

Preparation / Directions:

Process tuna and onion in food processor. Add capers, Worcestershire and mustard. Dissolve 6 of the gelatin leaves in warm water. Let cool and add to processor. Process to blend. Add cream and mayo and process to blend. Dissolve rest of gelatin in 1 cup fish stock. Let cool. Stir in gherkins. Oil a mold and pour gelatin with gherkins. Let set in refrigerator. Pour tuna on top. Chill until set. Unmold by dipping mold in warm water bed for 15 seconds. Surround mousse with shredded lettuce.

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