Pescespada Alle Brace (Wood Fire Grilled Swordfish)

Course : Fish
Serves: 6
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3 medium fennel bulbs -- cleaned and trim

2 cups chicken stock -- (homemade is

1 teaspoon salt and pepper -- to taste

1 pound green beans -- stems removed

2 pounds swordfish -- * see note

2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

2 large garlic cloves -- peel and chopped

1/2 cup Italian parsley -- chopped fin

2 tablespoons fresh oregano -- chopped fine

1 teaspoon dried oregano

2 medium juice from 2 lemons

1/3 cup hot water

2/3 cup extra virgin olive oil

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper

Preparation / Directions:

* cut into 6 ounce slices about 3/4 inch thick Put the fennel into a casserole. Splash on the chicken stock and sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste. Bake the fennel, covered, in a 375F oven for about 1 hour, basting often. It should be tender but not mush. Drain and set aside. Use the pan liquid for soups or other dishes. Boil the Blue Lake beans in lightly salted water for about 4 to 5 minutes. Drain and set aside. Rub some olive oil on the slices of swordfish. Grill them about 4 minutes o each side, and add some salt and pepper to taste. You can broil or barbecue the fish if you don't have a wood fired grill. To assemble the sauce, put the garlic, parsley, oregano, lemon juice and water into a crock and mix well with a spoon. Add the olive oil, salt and pepper and mix again. (It is best to make this sauce several hours ahead of using it; then mix again energetically.) You can store it, covered, in the refrigerator for up to a week. Be sure to bring to room temperature or even a little warmer before use. Heat the cooked, drained fennel in a 375 oven for about 20 minutes. Heat the beans in a skillet with a few drops of olive oil and some lemon juice, and season with salt and pepper. When the fish is done put it on a heated dish and garnish with vegetables. Spoon on some sauce or pass it at the table

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