Ginger Fish Rolls

Course : Fish
Serves: 4
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213 gram canned Alaska salmon -- pink or red

8 large Chinese leaves -- blanched to soften

50 grams shelled prawns -- chopped

4 medium spring onions trimmed and cut into 1 inch pieces lengths then shredded -- lengthways, finely chopped

1/2 teaspoon fresh root ginger -- finely minced

50 grams button mushrooms -- chopped

1 medium chives for tying -- or- strips of raffia

4 tablespoons light soy sauce

3 tablespoons lime juice

2 tablespoons water

1 teaspoon fine shreds of lime rind

1 teaspoon root ginger

250 grams grain rice

900 milliliter boiling water

1 tablespoons lumpfish caviar to garnish

Preparation / Directions:

[If you do not have a bamboo steamer use a colander placed over a saucepan and covered with a lid.] Drain can of salmon reserving the juice. Flake the fish coarsely. Flatten Chinese leaves. Trim away any tough stalks. Place equal amounts of salmon onto center of each leaf. Surround with prawns, onions, ginger and mushrooms. Roll up tucking ends in securely. Tie up with the chives or raffia. Place in top of steamer. Mix soy sauce, lime juice and rind. Put rice into base of steamer with water and salmon juice. Cover with fish rolls in steamer top and lid. Simmer for 20 minutes until most of liquid is absorbed. Keep fish rolls warm. Drain rice of any excess water and press into 12 small moulds. Turn onto a serving plate and garnish. Serve with the warm fish rolls and sauce.

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