Lemon and Black Cherry Shaved Ice

Course : Frozen Desserts
Serves: 2 dozen
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If you like lemon and black cherries, then you will love this.


3 medium lemons

3 bottles black cherries with no pits

2 cups ice

24 small small individual cups for the servings

1/2 teaspoon sherry

3/4 cup white zinfadel

4 drops blue or yellow food coloring

Preparation / Directions:

Crush the ice and the lemons. Make sure you take out all of the seeds. Drain the bottles of black cherries. Then at the lemons and cherries in with the bowl of crushed ice. Blend it together with a spoon. Make sure it is smooth, before you do anything else. When it is smooth at the sherry and white zinfadel. Let it freeze overnight before you put it in the cups. Serve chilled.

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