Crock-Style Kosher Dill Pickles

Course : Pickles
Serves: 4
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4 quarts water

1 cup cider vinegar

1/2 cup canning salt

2 medium Cucumbers -- 2-3 inches

1 bunch Fresh dill -- cut (1-2 bunches)

1 clove Garlic -- chopped (1-2 whole g

1 bunch Grape leaves -- washed

Preparation / Directions:

Place a bed of grape leaves on bottom of crock. Alternate layers of cucumbers, dill and garlic to fill crock. Bring water, vinegar, and salt to a boil. Cool and pour over cucumbers. Place more grape leaves on top. Weight down and let set in cool place 3-5 days or until flavor is desirable to taste. Place left over pickles in refrigerator.

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