Mama Mia Pizza Dough

Course : Pizza
Serves: 2
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1 1/2 teaspoons red star yeast

2 1/2 cups bread flour -- as much as 3 c

2 teaspoons butter buds

1/8 teaspoon garlic powder

2 tablespoons oil

2 tablespoons honey

1 cup warm beer

Preparation / Directions:

. Put all ingredients in your bread maker on manual and let it do the work. I let it rise for a little longer after it finishes, but judge for yourself if it requires that. Divide into two 12" pies (I roll it out) Put on two cornmeal covered pans, prick with a fork, brush with oil, add toppings and preheat your oven to 500F. Let the pizzas rise for 15 minutes or so, then bake for 7 minutes.


Nutritional Information:

813 Calories (kcal); 17g Total Fat; (18% calories from fat); 22g Protein; 143g Carbohydrate; 0mg Cholesterol; 6mg Sodium

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