Carrot Yogurt Salad

Course : Salads
Serves: 4 - 6
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6 medium carrots or more

1/4 cup olive oil

4 cloves garlic

3 teaspoons salt

2 tablespoons enough plain yogurt to taste

Preparation / Directions:

Peel the carrots and grate them using a food processor. Cook them in olive oil until they soften. To microwave, use less oil. Let cool. Mash garlic with salt. Mix it with a little yogurt and add to the carrot mixture. Gradually add and mix more yogurt to the carrot mixture. You may want to try to get a thick body to it but don't let it get too liquidy. You can add more garlic and salt to tast


Nutritional Information:

495 Calories (kcal); 54g Total Fat; (96% calories from fat); 1g Protein; 4g Carbohydrate; 0mg Cholesterol; 6397mg Sodium

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