Salmon With Orange Sauce

Course : Salmon
Serves: 4
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4 fillets salmon steaks -- or fillets (6 to 8) 6 oz

-----steaming liquid-----

1 Cup water

1 teaspoon salt

-----orange butter sauce-----

1/2 cup butter or margarine -- softened

1/2 cup fresh orange juice

1/2 teaspoon thyme leaves -- (dried)

Preparation / Directions:

1-2 cups of water are needed to steam the fillets, depending on the pan used. For each cup, add 1 tablespoon of salt and stir. Steam the fillets for 9-10 minutes or until they flake easily when tested with a fork. Blend the butter, orange juice and thyme into a smooth butter, either by hand or in a blender. Remove the fillets to a serving platter and generously cover with the orange butter. Serve with a plain lettuce salad, peas, rice and dinner rolls. UW Sea Grant Advisory Services

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