German Cabbage Soup

Course : Soups
Serves: 4 - 6
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2 ounces ground beef round

2 tablespoons onion

1 dash mustard -- soy sauce,

1 dash salt -- pepper

1 tablespoon dry red wine

1 1/4 cups beef broth

2 large cabbage leaves (cut in pieces)

1/2 medium tomato -- cubed

1/2 teaspoon fresh parsley

Preparation / Directions:

Combine ground round, onion, mustard, soy sauce, salt, and pepper; mix thoroughly. Form into tiny meatballs. Add wine to broth; bring to boil. Add wine to broth; bring to boil. Add meatballs to broth, one at a time. Bring to a boil again. Cook meatballs 5 minutes; remove to soup bowl. Add cabbage and tomatoes to broth. Simmer 5 minutes. Pour over meatballs. Garnish with parsley.

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