Potato and Leek Soup with Fresh Chervil

Course : Soups
Serves: 6
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3 medium leek

1 tablespoon safflower oil -- cold-pressed

2 1/4 pounds Idaho potato -- scrubbed and cut into one-inch pieces

1 piece bay leaf

1 teaspoon dried thyme -- crushed

2 1/4 quarts chicken broth -- home made low-salt

1/4 cup Neufchatel cheese -- lowfat

1 dash ground white pepper

1/4 cup fresh chervil -- or 1 tablespoon dried

Preparation / Directions:

1. Cut white parts of leeks lengthwise, rinse and cut into 1-inch pieces. Cut tender green parts of leeks into 1/8 x 1-inch strips. Reserve. 2. In large skillet or saucepot heat oil; add potatoes, white leek pieces, bay leaves and thyme. Cover. Cook 10 minutes, stirring once. 3. Add chicken broth; simmer, uncovered, 30 minutes. Cool 5 minutes. Remove bay leaves. 4. Stir in cheese and peppers. Press through a fine sieve. 5. Blanch reserved green strips of leek in boiling water 1 to 2 minutes. 6. Serve soup hot or cold. Top each serving with 2 teaspoons fresh chervil or 1/2 teaspoon dried leaf chervil and julienned strips of leek.


Nutritional Information:

255 Calories (kcal); 6g Total Fat; (20% calories from fat); 12g Protein; 39g Carbohydrate; 4mg Cholesterol; 1184mg Sodium

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