Wedding Soup

Course : Soups
Serves: 20
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5 pounds stewing chicken

2 cans chicken broth

2 medium onions

1 bunch endive

2 bunches escarole

1 bunch celery -- chopped

6 medium carrots -- sliced

2 1/2 pounds meatball mix

1 pound pasta


1 Cup parmesan cheese

4 large eggs -- beat well

1/4 cup romano cheese

1/4 cup fine bread crumbs

Preparation / Directions:

Place whole stewing chicken in a large pot with 2 whole medium onions. Add 2 cans of chicken broth and water to height of fluid desired in pot. Season with salt and pepper, and some garlic powder. Simmer chicken until it falls off the bones. Remove chicken from the fluid, allowing it to cool. Remove onions and when cooled, chop into pieces. Clean endive and escarole. Simmer in a separate pot for about 10 minutes, or until wilted looking. Drain and squeeze dry. Chop into small pieces. Add to the chicken broth along with the celery, onions and carrots. Debone the chicken and chop into small pieces. Add to the pot. Make tiny meatballs using meatball mix ( a mix of ground pork and ground beef along with bread crumbs). Simmer tiny meatballs in some water for a few minutes until set. Add meatballs to the pot. Cook all for about 3-4 hours. Just before done, cook 1 lb of pasta (any type small pasta). Add to the soup. Serve and enjoy!!! Can sprinkle parmesan cheese over bowl of PROD! IGY(R) interactive personal service 09/26/93 10:10 AM soup. Difficult but well worth it!!!! VARIATION: Mix 4 eggs, beat well, and add 1/4 cup romano cheese, grated, and 1/4 cup bread crumbs. Add to soup towards end of cooking time.


Nutritional Information:

319 Calories (kcal); 17g Total Fat; (48% calories from fat); 19g Protein; 22g Carbohydrate; 106mg Cholesterol; 177mg Sodium

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