Sherry's Albondegas Soup

Course : Soups
Serves: 5 to 6
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Mexican meatball Soup


1 package Precooked Frozen Meatballs

2 Tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil

2 cloves Garlic, chopped

1 small Onion

4 medium chopped Carrots

1 can Tomato Sauce

2 medium chopped Celery Stalks

3 medium Potatoes chopped


1 medium Zucchini

1 medium Yellow Squash

1 medium Corn

6 pieces Chicken Bullion

6 cups Water

Preparation / Directions:

In large pot sautee onions, garlic and carrots in oil until onions are translucent. Reduce heat to medium, incorperate tomato sauce. Add water, bullion cubes. Bring the heat back up. When boiling add the rest of your vegetables and frozen meatballs cover and simmer until meatballs are cooked through and vegetables are tender.

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