Ming Soup

Course : Soups
Serves: 8
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Ming soup is a traditional spicey chinese soup with coconut milk. It can be prepared vegetarian or with chicken.


3 liters Vegetal broth

250 grams green beans

1 medium leek

1 medium chinese cabbage

3 cloves garlic

5 tablespoons chili sauce

1 tablespoons ginger powder

150 grams cellophane noodles

500 grams tofu or chicken breast

300 milliliter coconut milk

1 medium lime

Preparation / Directions:

In a souppot bring the vegetal broth and water to a boil. Cut the leek and green beans into pieces and add them to the boiling soup. Add a table spoon of ginger powder and the garlic cloves. Let the soup boil for about 20 minutes. Meanwhile dice the chicken/tofu and spice it with salt, pepper and curry powder and panfry it. Boil the cellophane noodles for about a minute or two. Then cut them into pieces and add them to the soup. Now cut the chinese cabbage into pieces and add this allong with 5 tablespoons of chili sauce to the soup. Boil for a couple more minutes and serve the soup on a deep plate or bowl. Finally add some coconut milk, a couple of spoons of the diced chicken/tofu and a slice of lime. Serving tip : Add some parsley.


Nutritional Information:


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